środa, 25 października 2023

Światowy Konwent Science Fiction ogłosił zwycięzców Nagród Hugo 2023. Wśród nich znaleźli się po raz pierwszy dwaj Polacy, Bartosz Sztybor i Krzysztof Ostrowski, współautorzy komiksu „Cyberpunk 2077: Big City Dreams”.

Polscy rysownicy wraz z trzema innymi autorami „Cyberpunk 2077”, Filipem Andradem, Alessiem Fioriniellem i Romanem Titovem, zwyciężyli w kategorii „Najlepsza historia graficzna lub komiks”.

Nagroda Hugo to amerykańska nagroda literacka przyznawana każdego roku najlepszym utworom z gatunku science-fiction i fantasy.

Lista tegorocznych laureatów w poszczególnych kategoriach:

Best Novel

Nettle & Bone, by T. Kingfisher (Tor Books)

Best Novella

Where the Drowned Girls Go, by Seanan McGuire (Tordotcom)

Best Novelette

“The Space-Time Painter”, by Hai Ya (Galaxy’s Edge, April 2022)

Best Short Story

“Rabbit Test”, by Samantha Mills (Uncanny Magazine, November-December 2022)

Best Series

Children of Time Series, by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Pan Macmillan/Orbit)

Best Graphic Story or Comic

Cyberpunk 2077: Big City Dreams, by Bartosz Sztybor, Filipe Andrade, Alessio Fioriniello, Roman Titov, Krzysztof Ostrowski (Dark Horse Books)

Best Related Work

Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes, by Rob Wilkins (Doubleday)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

Everything Everywhere All at Once, screenplay by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Sheinert (IAC Films / Gozie AGBO)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

The Expanse: “Babylon’s Ashes”, written by Daniel Abraham, Ty Franck, Naren Shankar, directed by Breck Eisner (Alcon Entertainment)

Best Editor, Short Form

Neil Clarke

Best Editor, Long Form

Lindsey Hall

Best Professional Artist

Enzhe Zhao

Best Semiprozine

Uncanny Magazine, publishers and editors-in-chief: Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas; managing/poetry editor Chimedum Ohaegbu; managing editor Monte Lin; nonfiction editor Meg Elison; podcast producers Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky.

Best Fanzine

Zero Gravity Newspaper, by RiverFlow and Ling Shizhen

Best Fancast

Hugo, Girl!, by Haley Zapal, Amy Salley, Lori Anderson, and Kevin Anderson

Best Fan Writer

Chris M. Barkley

Best Fan Artist

Richard Man

Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book (presented by the World Science Fiction Society)

Akata Woman (The Nsibidi Scripts), by Nnedi Okorafor (Viking Books for Young Readers)

Astounding Award for Best New Writer (presented by Dell Magazines)

Travis Baldree (1st year of eligibility)

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Źródło: Instytut Książki